The art of defining waste has been the calling that Luis Villanueva has cultivated, convoked, and illuminated into a visual art form known as the "Art of Recycled Rubbish." This conscience minded urgency for global awareness has induced a devotional movement towards regenerating life's discarded items and by enriching the process of re-thinking and peeling back the layers of harmful impacts to our fragile environment.
Luis, see's the sacred, exquisite and potential in our every day surroundings. In the hands of Luis, life's discarded items such as plastic water bottles and used cartons are molded and revived into fine works of art that engages, inspires, and engenders reflection upon those who encounter his work. Luis breathes new life into found and salvaged material by meticulously kneading and resurrecting colorful assemblages of fine art that speak to the essence of his creative gift. He attributes this approach as a benevolent act that pays reverence and homage to all things earth.
Luis Villanueva's art instills a sincere spiritual embodiment that encompasses the importance of reclaiming cast-off materials for the purpose of reducing our carbon footprint and garnering earth friendly habits for a sustainable future. The sphere of Luis's work touch on his uniquely natural and self taught abilities to project a finely conceived rendering of dimensional fine art out of the ashes of chaotic rubbish.